Jack Hook

Greg & Barb M.
Hello! I'm Jack Hook!
Pet Pleasures: Facial masks while soaking in the tub.
Pet Peeves: People who don't say 'bless you' after a sneeze and just awkwardly stare instead.
Arrived at FARRM: November 2020
Sex: Male
Age: April 2020 Approx.
About: When Jack first came to us he had a lot of health conditions. We were uncertain if we would be able to save him, and our vet was amazed the he survived the night in the clinic.
Jack needed emergency surgery to remove an eye that was badly infected and had rotted away in the socket. He also had the worst hooves our vet had ever seen. He had so much diarrhea dried to his bum and back legs, that his rear end hung down. When he was cleaned up it was also discovered that his tail had been docked so short it had been removed into his back, which is not proper for tail docking.
He also needed to be castrated while at the vet because the previous owner had attempted to do it and it was not done properly; as a result one of the testicles remained and was badly infected.
With a lot of work Jack has healed from surgery and has become a fun loving snack-chasing guy, who is best friends with the other special needs goats.