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Karen D.
Hello! I'm Rudi!
Pet Pleasures: Jumping, kicking, and dancing!
Pet Peeves: Fad diets. Bring on the black bean brownies!
Arrived at FARRM: 2023
Sex: Male
Age: 2013
About: Rudi was surrendered by his owner who decided they could no longer care for him anymore, so he came to join the herd at FARRM.
Rudi is an awfully sweet but tremendously mischievous boy. Rudi loves people, but doesn't get why there needs to be boundaries! He has lots of love to give and will do anything necessary to give it! Rudi's herd has already set clear boundaries on what kind of affection they like, and what they deem just plain pushy, and the humans of FARRM are working on doing the same with him.
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