
Dianne K. & Tim C.
Hello! I'm Boe!
Pet Pleasures: Eating food out of the jar!
Pet Peeves: Rainy days.
Arrived at FARRM: 2021
Sex: Male
Age: 2021
About: Boe was born two months premature and arrived at FARRM with a lot of uncertainty. Coming from the same farm as Elliott, he arrived with a life threatening virus known as Crypto that causes severe diarrhea and a plethora of other medical concerns. Due to being born prematurely, Boe also had skeletal deformities, was born without teeth or eyesight, and was very cognitively delayed. With months and months of heavy medical intervention, Boe recovered wonderfully and has no existing health concerns!
Boe is what we refer to as a Bottle Baby. The term "Bottle Babies" is used when babies are taken away from their mothers at birth. This can cause a plethora of issues, but the most long lasting effect is the baby's manners. Bottle Babies develop very bad habits because they do not have their mothers to teach them what is appropriate behaviour and what is not. Bottle Babies usually get what they want from their humans, face no repercussions, and grow up to be absolute terrors.
Boe is wild, charming, and daring. He is a very sweet boy that often forgets he is a cow and not a puppy! Boe spends his days snoozing in the sunshine, wrestling with his best pals Elliott and Everette, and giving the humans of FARRM smooches!