
Dianne K.
Hello! I'm Grumps!
Pet Pleasures: 1980's teen movies.
Pet Peeves: Camping.
Arrived at FARRM: 2020
Sex: Male
Age: 2019
About: Grumps started coming around for breakfast in the winter of 2020. Many feral cats call FARRM home. FARRM provides plenty of space for cats to be and act freely with very little to no human interaction, while still having their needs met. Grumps was trapped, neutered, and provided with vet care. Grumps mainly resides in the greenhouse with most of our semi-feral cats, but only comes around in the evening after everyone has settled in for the night.
Grumps is not a huge fan of people, loud noises, or most of the other large residents at FARRM and prefers a nice quiet space for him to relax. Grumps spends his days going for long strolls, watching the magpies, and snoozing in dark corners only known to him.